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Sun & Moon Wellness Weekdays 9am-6pm Saturday 11am-3pm (408) 260-2266

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Tai Chi

Sun & Moon sponsors and conducts opportunities to learn and practice Tai Chi as a part of a total wellness health offering. These one hour sessions begin with a gentle warm-up and breathing exercises to quiet the mind. In this manner the body's muscles loosen and the meditation and Qi movement allow Tai Chi to take effect. The class then proceeds to do 'follow-me' exercises, demonstrating individual poses and movements in organized sequences. Classes end with cooling down exercises and Tao discussions to promote relaxation and an improved, positive and peaceful state of mind.


Sun & Moon also offers special sessions &

tailored Tai Chi classes upon request.

 Contact Us for more information.

Benefits of Tai Chi are:

Total Health Management

Stress Reduction
Improved Circulation
Improved Coordination
Improved Strength
Improved Balance
Greater Flexibility
much more....


EFT (Tapping) Workshop


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Last modified: 04/18/10